Welcome to Perspectives


We have some of the smartest PHDs in photonics working with Fibercore, and decades of knowledge developing ground breaking solutions. We are passionate about optical fibers, fiber optics and about how to transfer knowledge in the fastest possible time with no data loss. So, welcome to our conversations about the latest news, industry development and engineering innovation in the market.

Military Jets Flying through cloud filled sky

Fiber Optic Gyroscopes

Find out how Fiber Optic Gyroscope (FOG) systems use the Sagnac effect to measure the angular velocity or rotation rate on an object
new telecoms fiber

New Telecoms Fiber Innovations

Discover Fibercore's latest innovations for 2024. Dr. Andy Gillooly introduces our new speciality optical fibers including High Absorption Reduced Cladding (HARC) Erbium Doped Fibers.
Satellite floating above the earth for space communications using fiber optics

Space Communications

Optical space communication is an exciting and growing region of the communication industry that allows high speed and highly secure communication across the globe.

The 5G Revolution

5G is a game changer of a generation as it creates the connectivity required for the Internet of Things (IoT). It will enable applications and technologies that we can’t even imagine.