A device which introduces gain into a signal passing through it. In fiber optics amplifiers can be made with active fiber (usually rare-earth metal doped) which is pumped at a wavelength shorter than the signal light, which introduces energy into the system that is then passed onto the signal causing gain.
Related Products: Dual Clad Erbium/Ytterbium Doped Fiber, Erbium Doped Fiber IsoGain™, Erbium Doped Fiber MetroGain™, PM Erbium Doped Fiber, SM Erbium/Ytterbium Doped Fiber, SM Ytterbium Doped Fiber
Related Terms: Absorption, Active Medium, Amplified Spontaneous Emission, Amplifier, Emission Measurement, Emission Spectra, Erbium Doped Fiber (EDF), Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA), Erbium, Gain Coefficient, Rare-Earth Metal, Spontaneous Emission, Stimulated Emission, Ytterbium