Double-Clad fiber
A typical conventional fiber design has a core of doped silica glass with a cladding of pure silica, and the waveguide is formed by the difference between their refractive indices which encourages light to propagate in the core. A double-clad fiber has an additional cladding layer of lower, or depressed, index – this forms a waveguide region between the pure silica inner cladding and the depressed index outer cladding. This geometry is illustrated with a sketch of the refractive index profile, RIP, see below.

Related Products: All Silica Double Clad Fiber, Dual Clad Erbium/Ytterbium Doped Fiber, Isolating Wavelength Division Multiplexer CP-IWDM, Multimode Pump Fiber
Related Terms: Cladding, Cladding Pump Fiber, Co-Propagating Pump, Counter-Propagating Pump, Double-Clad fiber, Fiber, Multimode, Refractive Index Profile (RIP)