
Dual Clad Erbium/Ytterbium Doped Fiber

PM and non-PM erbium ytterbium co-doped dual clad fiber

  • Optimized for efficient energy transfer
  • Can be cleaved and spliced with standard equipment

Typical Applications:

  • High power Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers (EDFAs)
  • Ytterbium/Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (YEDFA)
  • Fiber laser
  • Light Radar (LiDAR)
  • Cable Television (CATV)

    Laser Core
    CompositionPhosphosilicate with erbium and ytterbiumPhosphosilicate with erbium and ytterbiumPhosphosilicate with erbium and ytterbiumPhosphosilicate with erbium and ytterbiumPhosphosilicate with erbium and ytterbiumPhosphosilicate with erbium and ytterbiumPhosphosilicate with erbium and ytterbium
    Operating Wavelength (nm)1520–15701520–15701520–15701520–15701520–15701520–15701520–1570
    Numerical Aperture0.20–0.220.125-0.1550.20-0.220.20-0.230.10-0.130.10-0.130.18-0.22
    Mode Field Diameter (μm)5.6–6.5 @1550nm8.1-10.3 @1550nm5.7-6.5@1550nm5.6-7.2@1550nm9.6-12@1550nm9.6-12@1550nm-
    Core Diameter (μm)4.5-5.86.3-9.34.5-5.84.3-5.87.6-11.67.6-11.610.5-13.5
    Cut-Off Wavelength (nm)1290–15101290–15101290–15101290–15101290–15101290–15101290–1510
    Absorption (dB/m)19 (nominal) @1550nm55-95 @1535nm19 (nominal) @1550nm70 (nominal) @1535nm50 (nominal) @1535nm80 (nominal) @1535nm55-95 @1535nm
    Beat Length (mm) @633nm--≤ 5---≤ 5
    Pump Guide
    CompositionPure silica with F-doped silica claddingPure silica with F-doped silica claddingPure silica with F-doped silica claddingPure silica with F-doped silica claddingPure silica with F-doped silica claddingPure silica with F-doped silica claddingPure silica cladding
    Numerical Aperture0.24–0.280.22-0.240.20-0.220.45 (nominal)0.45 (nominal)0.45 (nominal)0.45 (nominal)
    Mean Pump Guide Diameter (μm)80-104105-120105125125125125
    Absorption (dB/m)1 (typical) @940nm2-4 @915nm1.1 (nominal) @915nm70 (nominal) @1535nm50 (nominal) @1535nm80 (nominal) @1535nm55-85 (nominal) @1535nm
    Proof Test (%)1 (100 kpsi)1 (100 kpsi)1 (100 kpsi)1 (100 kpsi)1 (100 kpsi)1 (100 kpsi)1 (100 kpsi)
    Coating TypeDual Layer Acrylate *Dual Layer Acrylate *Dual Layer Acrylate *Low Index AcrylateLow Index AcrylateLow Index AcrylateLow Index Acrylate
    Cladding Diameter (μm)125 ± 1125 ± 1125 ± 1125 ± 1125 ± 1125 ± 1125 ± 1
    Coating Diameter (μm)245 ± 7245 ± 12250 ± 10245 ± 15245 ± 15245 ± 15245 ± 15
    Operating Temperature (ºC)-55 to +85-55 to +85-55 to +85-55 to +85-55 to +85-55 to +85-55 to +85
    * High temperature acrylate variant available upon request
    Product Variants Explained


    Double clad ErYb doped fiber for high power amplifiers for CATV applications

    CP1500Y(6/125)HTDouble clad ErYb doped fiber for high power amplifiers for CATV applications. Coated with high temperature acrylate


    Double clad ErYb doped fiber for high power amplifiers for CATV applications

    CP1500Y(9/125)HTDouble clad ErYb doped fiber for high power amplifiers for CATV applications. Coated with high temperature acrylate


    Polarization maintaining double clad ErYb doped fiber


     Polarization maintaining double clad ErYb doped fiber

    Operating Wavelength (nm) 1520 - 1570
    Composition Phosphosilicate with erbium and ytterbium
    Numerical Aperture 0.125 - 0.155
    Mode Field Diameter (μm) 8.1 - 10.3 @1550nm
    Cut-Off Wavelength (nm) 1290 - 1510
    Composition Pure silica with F-doped silica cladding
    Numerical Aperture 0.22 - 0.24
    Mean Pump Guide Diameter (μm) 105 - 120
    Absorption (dB/m) 2 - 4 @915nm
    Proof Test (%) 1 (100 kpsi)
    Coating Type High Temperature Acrylate
    Cladding Diameter (μm) 125 ± 1
    Coating Diameter (μm) 245 ± 12
    Operating Temperature (°C) -55 to +150